Remember the course in Equine Myofascial Kinetic Lines in March in Denmark!

Course invitation horse 030523


Fascia Lines


Myofascial kinetic lines are interconnected chains of muscles, myofascia and other fascial structures, responsible for the movements of the body. It is a novel dynamic way to look at the traditional static anatomy. The lines describe the flexion, extension, lateral felxion and rotation of the spine in interplay with the extremities. One of the lines also describe the connection between the somatic body and the viscera.


The inspiration to investigate the lines in animals came from the book “Anatomy Trains” by Thomas Myers ( which describes similar lines in humans. It is a very informative book about the anatomy of the lines, of stability and movement as well as of treatment options.

The veterinarians Rikke M. Schultz og Vibeke S.  Elbrønd has dissected horses and dogs in a research project at the University of Copenhagen to understand and show similar connections in animals. It showed great similarities between the Anatomy Trains and the animal lines. The results are published internationally in Medical Research Archives i Equine Veterinary Journal

Veterinarian Tove Due has over the years developed a test system and points for treatment to release tension in the single lines with different methods both for veterinarians, other professionals and for animal owners.


Knowledge about the fascinating 3D fascia network in the body is the foundation for understanding the anatomy and functionality of the myofascial kinetic lines. They are fundamental for the stability, balance and connected movements through the whole body.

This knowledge emphasizes the importance of a “whole-horse” or holistic approach. It is important when working with performance problems in horses and dogs as a physio, blacksmith, trainer og animal owner or with biomechanical issues like lameness’s, backpain, stiffness in the neck, gait abnormalities and organ problems which affects the locomotion as a veterinarian.


The three veterinarians Tove Due, Vibeke S. Elbrønd og Rikke Schultz has, based on the research and long term testing in clinical practice, written a book about the anatomy, function, testing and treatment of the lines in horses. The book aim at veterinarians and other professionals. A similar book for dogs is the next project. Books for horse- and also dog owners will follow.


Horse turkis fascialines